Saturday, July 14, 2007

Box Maintenance and Meeting new friends

Hi, Mom!
Well, this has been a maintenance weekend so far. We have gone to check on 7 of Nitrocat's boxes. One, from the King's Ransom series, needed some revision to the clue for the first box. The next four were at Silver Springs where she said lots of people had been looking for a missing lady. She wanted to make sure that they hadn't found her letterboxes in the process. And they hadn't! Then we replanted the Favoritten. It was requested that she find a new hiding spot by the caretakers of the cemetery where it had been planted. There was some vandalism (Nitrocat says Not by letterboxers, though!) and they wanted to eliminate any extra traffic. And last, we rescued the Lake Mermaid because Nitrocat accidentally planted it on private property. We still have to find a new spot for that box though.
It was alot of work, but we got some neat stamps. Some of them were the first ones that Nitrocat ever carved. We got to see a natural spring, meet Combine Kid and Fast Track and see some really freaky looking spiders! Stacy says that they are the ones that spin the huge webs across the trails that we walk through sometimes. She said if my antlers were bigger, she'd let me go first on the trails. Since they aren't big enough though, she showed us how to pick a good walking stick to use instead.
We also got to stamp two fleas that the Yorkshire Tortoise sent from the UK! They are alot like our hitchhikers, but can go in any kind of box.
Well, the other buddies need to use the computer too, so I'd better go. More later!
Hey, did Starling123 get my postcard in time?

1 comment:

The Yorkshire Tortoise said...

Aha, my evil plan to infest America with fleas is working, good. lol.