Thursday, July 5, 2007

Meeting Nitrocat and Kittens

Hi, Mom!
I just wanted to let you know that I have arrived in Illinois safely. It was very hot and stuffy in my envelope, but Nitrocat and her kittens got me out as soon as I arrived (I think they were watching for the mailman!) and let me get some fresh air on the porch. You should see this plant that Nitrocat has! It looks like it has fuzzy pink caterpillars all over it!

She says that it is too hot to box today, but that we can exchange stamps and I can get their personal travellers. The weather looks a little better on Monday and hopefully we can go out and pick up a few boxes. Nitrocat also said that it is her 1year letterboxing birthday on the 19th and she wants to have 100 finds by then. She says I can help her get the last sixteen she needs! You should also see the pile of boxes that she wants to plant! This should be a busy month!
More later!

1 comment:

midlandtrailblazer said...

wow, sounds like you'll be busy!!